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As a coach I look forward to being a non-judgmental, attentively listening guide for your situation in life and your desire for change.

Kdo jsem

About me

My path to the helping professions began many years ago when I was deciding on a university after graduating from high school.

Even back then I was deeply attracted to people’s stories – the joys and sorrows of the human soul; movies and books had been my faithful friends since early childhood. Choosing film studies at Charles University’s Faculty of Arts seemed straightforward and logical.

The only alternative was to study psychology, but I listened to my inner voice and intuition, which suggested that I didn’t have enough life experience at aged 18 for this type of study or for the profession that it led to. But as usually happens, fate soon began giving me numerous pivotal experiences.


How I coach

„A goal without a plan is just a wish.“

Antoine de Saint Exupery

I underwent intensive training in systemic coaching, which is based on the premise that the key to answering our questions and to resolving issues, suffering, and challenging situations is found within us.


Systemic coaching references constructivism, drawing on the thesis that we lack access to objective reality. On the contrary, we ourselves create the world around us because the observer is a fundamental and inextricable part of it. We are the only ones capable of influencing and changing the reality in which we live.

Systemic coaching has the ability to get beneath the shell of personality. It often happens that we don’t know our own strength, aren’t aware of it; nor are we clear about our actual desires or the needs and aspirations of our soul, which can seem trapped or imprisoned. Together we can try to find or rediscover these things.

I will conduct our coaching conversation in a nondirective manner that – supported by your potential, creativity, and independence – will help you reach your desired goal. On this journey you will draw upon your internal resources and the resources available around you.

While working together I will fully respect your pace and your vision of the world because I value the trust you have placed in me. Change occurs as soon as you yourself are open to it and able to accept it.


A fundamental and entirely given part of my work is absolute discretion. As a member of the EMCC Czech Republic, I abide by EMCC’s code of ethics.

Kdy mne vyhledat

When to seek my help as a coach

Above all, it is important to have the motivation, the desire, and the will to do something with your life, because life is change.


We don’t live on a desert isle, but surrounded by people: our spouse or life partner, kids, parents, friends, neighbours, and colleagues. Some of them we love, others we tolerate, and still others we actually cannot stand. The emotions they evoke in us speak mainly about who we are. The world is our mirror and reflection.

„There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.“ 
William Shakespeare

  • počet a frekvence setkání záleží na individuálních potřebách klienta

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  • online konzultace po dohodě

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Mgr. Ivana Novotná

​​Tel: +420 607 513 578

E-mail: ​


Centrum Pod křídly

Praha 6

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IČO: 88270777 |  Fyzická osoba zapsaná v Živnostenském rejstříku od 14.11. 2011 , č.j.UMCP3 119858/2018 |  © 2018 Ivana Novotná

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